Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Curls Are A Drag

The Drag Curl

Bodybuilding legend Vince Gironda popularized this variation of a barbell curl, but it's been lost in the training toolbox for the past few decades. Luckily for you, we're brushing the dirt off this great biceps exercise.

Unlike the barbell curl (which encourages swinging the weight and using your shoulders to help assist the movement) the drag curl minimizes your shoulder recruitment and enables you to keep more tension on the biceps as they work through the range of motion.

To do it, grab a light barbell and start in the normal curl stance: bar at your thighs with a shoulder-width grip.

Instead of curling the weight up in an arch away from your body, drag the barbell straight up, keeping your elbows back at all times. Keep the bar in contact with your body throughout the curl.

Drag the bar to about mid-chest level and control it back down to your thighs, flexing your biceps the entire time. Aim for three to four sets of 6-10 reps, and try to increase the weight with every set.

 The Drag Curl - drag the barbell straight up, keeping your elbows back at all times.

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