Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Cynostane make up looked at closer.



Whats the difference you ask? Ok first the technical lingo.


Has a methyl group and hydroxyl group off of the 17th carbon. A methyl group has single bonds from a carbon to 3 hydrogens leaving the 4th bond open to bond to whatever, in this case the 17th carbon. A hydroxyl group has a oxygen single bond to a hydrogen and another single bond to whatever, which in this case is the 17th carbon. Has a 2 and 3, both connect to the 17th carbon where the R is on the pictures on the links.


Has the same methyl group at the 17th position but also has a acetoxy group. A acetoxy group has an oxygen single bond to a carbon, off of this carbon is a double bond to an oxygen and also has a methyl group off of this carbon. The oxygen with the single bond to carbon is left with one bond free, it is here that bonds to the 17th carbon. Has a 1 and 2, both connect to the 17th carbon where the R is on the pictures in the links

Acetoxy group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Methyl group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hydroxyl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cynostane is a brand new prohormone which features an alteration of the superdrol compound, with a cyano bond instead of the 2a methyl superdrol bond.
Effects – Cynostane, developed by Anabolic Innovations, is an extremely anabolic compound with remarkably low androgenic action, making it qualitatively similar to the likes of Oxandrolone or Methenolone (primobolan). It is non-aromatizing meaning it will not produce estrogen mediated side effects and its high degree of anabolic action makes it a favourable choice for athletes concerned with losing bodyfat while maintaining, or increasing, muscle mass.
Side Effects - Bloodwork conducted by users shows that Cynostane has a more favourable effect on blood lipids, and liver values than superdrol itself. Although feedback to date is limited, the combination of low androgenic action, lack of aromatization to estrogen, and low level of general health effects, makes cynostane an intriguing newcomer to the prohormone world.

OK So here is my thoughts on it. Its not going to be as powerful as superdrol in the strength department but it will be great for size and some damn good strength to. At the same time it is also not nearly as liver or lipid toxic ether.

This compound definiley appears to have oral activity, and very potent activity at that. It has the highest Q ratio, 20. That is the same Q ratio as superdrol, except this compound appears to be twice as anabolic as superdrol. I would expect dry gains, more similar to oxandrolone (anavar)

AI has always made some pretty good products and are very reliable.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Superdrol, Sdrol, Prohormone confusion

The confusion surrounding superdrol is the result of an ill-conceived name, given to this substance, probably for marketing purposes. Which ever idiot came up with the name or first starting suggesting that superdrol has anything in common with oxymetholone (Anadrol) has thoroughly demonstrated that he/she lacks any and all insight in biochemistry. Other than the fact that both are 5alpha-reduced anabolic androgenic steroids, they have very little if anything in common.

Superdrol is a compound that was known for some time prior to it being known as such. I for one came in contact with the drug following the debate surrounding IP’s equally ill-named product called ‘oral Masteron’, which ended up being nothing more than mestanolone (17alpha-methyl-DHT). Mestanolone is actually oral DHT (if for arguments sake we suggest that the addition of 17alpha-methyl group indicates the compound as being the oral of the parent steroid, which is not strictly true). I commented that to be oral masteron it would have to be 2alpha-methyl-mestanolone, or more aptly 17alpha-methyl-drostanolone (drostanolone being Masteron). That is what we called the product back then, 17alpha-methyl-drostanolone. That was only a few years ago. But it seems somehow inconceivable that this compound hadn’t been investigated decades before. So it probably has an even longer history.

From this you can also already deduce that ‘superdrol’ is in actuality a cross between drostanolone and mestanolone, since it has the 2alpha-methyl group of drostanolone and the 17alpha-methyl-group of mestanolone. Oxymetholone is an entirely different compound, which differs from superdrol by substitution of the 2-methyl group with a 2-hydroxymethylene group. A methyl group is completely inert, since it is apolar. It confers no special biochemical properties upon the group, it is merely steric bulk. Which is exactly its purpose. It provides steric hindrance for 3alpha- and 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase enzymes, so that in contrast to mestanolone, the product is not deactivated in muscle tissue so fast. Mestanolone is nearly inactive as an anabolic substance, because it is rapidly deactivated to 3-hydroxy metabolites. Because the 2-methyl group reduces binding of the enzymes that catalyze this, it reduces the rate of deactivation and superdrol, in contrast to mestanolone, has some anabolic activity.

Oxymetholone on the other hand has a hydroxylated carbon attached to the 2nd carbon, a polar group that is chemically reactive. That carbon is also double-bonded tot the steran nucleus, which further increases reactivity of the oxygen atom. By what mechanisms is not exactly clear yet, but this gives oxymetholone some rather unique properties, likely due to interaction with other structures that most AAS do not, or barely interact with. To illustrate I uploaded the following drawing. It shows superdrol as the cross of mestanolone and drostanolone, and underneath mestanolone is oxymetholone, since oxymetholone is also a derivative of mestanolone.

Anabolic activity : Because of the added 17alpha-methyl group, superdrol is less succeptible to metabolic deactivation. It cannot form 17-keto-steroids, and the likelihood of 16-hydroxylations is considerably reduced as well, due to this addition. This means it probably stays active longer than does drostanolone and is excreted at a lower rate. Unfortunately, the 2-methyl-group already reduces binding to the androgen receptor (1) and the 17alpha-methyl group further reduces it (1). This seems to even out the odds for superdrol, giving it roughly the same amount of anabolic activity as drostanolone. That means superdrol is by no means a serious muscle builder, except perhaps to those smaller in stature or as of yet unexperienced with other anabolic androgenic steroids. This puts its anabolic activity in the neighbourhood of other non-aromatizing, weak oral androgens, such as Anavar (oxandrolone), Winstrol (Stanozolol) and Halotestin (Fluoxymesterone).

Androgenic activity : Comparing it to these other weak, oral, non-aromatizing androgens, the androgenic activity is considerably less than for halotestin, but considerably higher than for winstrol and anavar. The reason being that despite increased activity in muscle compared to mestanolone, deactivation is still stronger in muscle (the 2-methyl group reduces but does not eliminate reduction of the 3-keto function (2)). And contrary to popular belief, a non-deactivated DHT does still not have the same level of activity in muscle as it does in androgenic target tissues. Androgenic side-effects rarely occur in healthy young men, but if you have reason to fear such effects, than superdrol is probably the poorer choice when compared to anavar or winstrol. A lot of athletes however seem to suggest that using stronger androgens seems to increase muscle density when body-fat is low. And while this is a rather subjective trait, this does seem to hold true for superdrol as well. In which case it would then probably be a better choice than the other mentioned oral steroids.

Estrogenic/Progestagenic activity : Like most 5-alpha-reduced steroids, this product has no estrogenic activity. Neither mestanolone nor drostanolone are capable of aromatization either. Whoever is producing this stuff now seems to want to convey that it is a major plus that this does not have estrogenic effects like oxymetholone, but first off, remember that this steroid has NOTHING in common with oxymetholone and secondly, the perceived estrogenic effects of oxymetholone have never been established as being estrogenic, because despite massive bloating, the prevalence of estrogenic side-effects with oxymetholone remains low when used with other AAS to non-existent when used alone. Whether or not this drug still has anti-estrogenic activity like drostanolone is questionable. I certainly wouldn’t count on it.

Liver-toxicity : The hepatoxicity of this compound is rather high. That may have been one of the reasons no one has marketed or researched such a compound for pharmaceutical use before. In all instances I observed personally (which were admittedly only 4 instances of use of 40 mg/day for 6 weeks), liver values were elevated above acceptable levels, and considerably elevated above the values seen for the same duration of time with equal (dbol) or higher (Anavar, Anadrol, Winstrol) doses of other commonly (ab)used oral steroids. Use should therefore definitely be restricted to 30-40 mg/day for 6 weeks. If higher doses are used, or compound is used for a longer period of time, liver values should be checked at regular intervals.

Stacking and use : It should be quite obvious that the use of this compound (at least to the experienced steroid user) will be limited to cutting purposes. For the same amount of money there are simply far more suitable compounds for gaining muscle mass. As with most oral steroids (with notable exception of Halotestin) I would advise against using it alone, in conjunction with other oral steroids, or in the last week of a cycle. This because most 17alpha-alkylated androgens are known to increase glucocorticoid receptor density (3) and result in increased loss of muscle mass post-cycle. An added reason for not using it with other oral steroids is the increased risk for hepatoxic side-effects.


(1) Ojasoo T, Raynaud JP.Unique steroid congeners for receptor studies.Cancer Res. 1978 Nov;38(11 Pt 2):4186-98

(2) de Boer D, de Jong EG, Maes RA, van Rossum JM.The methyl-5 alpha-dihydrotestosterones mesterolone and drostanolone; gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric characterization of the urinary metabolites.J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 1992 May;42(3-4):411-9.

(3) Fernandez L, Boada LD, Luzardo OP, Zumbado M, Lopez A, Diaz-Chico BN, Chirino R.[3H]dexamethasone binding activity in liver microsomes is modulated differently by 17 alpha-alkylated androgens and testosterone in vivo.Pharmacol Toxicol. 1995 Oct;77(4):264-9.

Raspberry ketones, transdermal fat burners, fat loss, fat burner

So here is a little something i put together that i have been interested in. Raspberry ketones are in two great products Dermatherm from Primordial (we will carry soon) and ThermoGum. Bare with me as there were only a few studies out there on raspberry ketones and its effects on humans.

Raspberry Ketone Overview
Raspberry Ketones significantly increase norepinephrine-induced lipolysis associated with the translocation of hormone-sensitive lipase from the cytosol to lipid droplets in epididymal fat cells. In conclusion, Raspberry Ketone prevents and improves obesity and fatty liver. These effects appear to stem from the action of Raspberry Ketone in altering the lipid metabolism, or more specifically, in increasing norepinephrine-induced lipolysis in white adipocytes [1].

Now if you’re sitting here going what is all that, lets break down the mechanism of Raspberry Ketones a little more in depth.

As a stress hormone, norepinephrine affects parts of the brain where attention and responding actions are controlled. Along with epinephrine, norepinephrine also underlies the fight-or-flight response, directly increasing heart rate, triggering the release of glucose from energy stores, and increasing blood flow to skeletal muscle.

Triglycerides are transported through the blood to appropriate tissues (adipose, muscle, etc) by lipoproteins such as chylomicrons. Triglycerides present on the chylomicrons undergo lipolysis by the cellular lipases of target tissues which yield glycerol and free fatty acids. Free fatty acids released into the blood are then available for cellular uptake. Free fatty acids not immediately taken up by cells may bind to albumin for transport to surrounding tissues that require energy [2].

Lipase is an enzyme necessary for the absorption and digestion of nutrients in the intestines. This digestive enzyme is responsible for breaking down lipids (fats), in particular triglycerides, which are fatty substances in the body that come from fat in the diet. Once broken down into smaller components, triglycerides are more easily absorbed in the intestines. Lipase is primarily produced in the pancreas, but is also produced in the mouth and stomach. Lipases also act at a specific position on the glycerol backbone of lipid substrate (A1, A2 or A3). For example, human pancreatic lipase (HPL),[3]which is the main enzyme to break down fats in the human digestive system, converts triglyceride substrates found in ingested oil to monoglycerides and free fatty acids.

In Conclusion, Raspberry Ketones trigger a full blown reaction throughout the body. Once ingested by the body, Raspberry Ketones trigger a norepinephrine release. This causes the release of glucose from energy stores and increases the breakdown of triglycerides into free fatty acids. Once this has been completed Lipase takes over and breaks down the fats allowing them to be digested by the intestines. With this taking place your body will need to release more free fatty acids for energy since what was stored is now being burned.

Slin Sane, Insulin supplement, Insulin, Insulin carbohydrates


Physique athletes have long since realized the profound benefits of the anabolic hormone insulin, whether it be through maximizing endogenous timing and release or simply by injecting the exogenous compound. Insulin release is stimulated in the body simply by the ingestion of carbohydrates, certain amino acids, or the combination of both. However, many people have inherent dysfunction in the complex insulin signaling cascade, which can result in limited nutrient uptake by the muscle cells, excessive uptake by the fat cells, too much insulin released, or too little insulin released. Even those with proper nutrient signaling can still greatly benefit their quest for increased muscle gain and accelerated fat loss by optimizing the body’s nutrient storage capabilities.

Slin-Sane was designed to be just that nutrient storage optimization tool, by working to maximize uptake of glucose and amino acids at the muscle cell through multiple angles similar to and in conjunction with insulin, while delivering increased vascularity and muscle fullness.

Overview of ingredients and function

Lagerstroemia Speciosa

A small to medium sized tree grown throughout parts of southern Asia, the leaves of Lagerstroemia Speciosa (LS) yield a novel compound called Banaba. Commonly used in Phillipine folk medicine to treat symptoms of diabetes, this compound shows great promise for its multi-faceted beneficial interaction with glucose and insulin.
Initially, researchers thought banaba’s positive effects to be solely related to its content of corosolic acid, but studies have since shown there may be multiple other compounds in the leaf that contribute to its numerous benefits.
Multiple studies have shown LS to have the ability to increase translocation of the GLUT4 receptor at the muscle cell, therefore allowing increased nutrient uptake (1,9). This cellular receptor is the main gatekeeper for nutrient influx, and optimal expression can greatly enhance cellular storage capabilities, increasing muscle fullness.

A recent study out of Japan found a significant reduction in blood glucose response after feeding sugar to subjects pretreated with LS versus subjects who didn’t take the supplement (2). A similar study published in Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice also showed a potent glucose lowering effect over control from ingestion of 75g of glucose after administration of LS (6). In addition to reduction in glucose response to food intake, LS has been shown in multiple studies to lower fasting glucose and insulin levels, a key marker in overall health and cell responsiveness to nutrient sensing (3,8,10,13).
Aside from Lagerstroemia’s basic glucose stabilizing effects, it touts numerous other capabilities related to health and longevity including elevating insulin sensitivity (8), lowering free fatty acids, blood pressure, CRP, and oxidative stress (7), suppression of adipocyte differentiation similar to AICAR (5), reducing triglycerides and A1C levels (8), and significantly lowering hepatic lipid content (11).

Looking at things purely from a body composition angle, LS can help promote the anabolic effects of insulin by mimicking the hormone and working through an independent mechanism of insulin itself (12), act anti-catabolically to prevent muscle breakdown (4), lower fasting glucose/insulin levels, and increaseinsulin sensitivity to aid in fat loss and muscle gain.

Lagerstroemia Review
Enhances glucose uptake at muscle cell
Reduces fat gain from a high fat diet
Lowers blood glucose response to feeding
Reduces fasting glucose, insulin, triglycerides, FFA’s, CRP and A1C
Increases insulin sensitivity and GLUT4 translocation
Increases adiponectin

Gymnema Sylvestre
Used as a natural treatment for diabetic symptoms in parts of India for thousands of years, this tropical herb has many promising attributes for the modern day physique enthusiast. Much of the research on this compound has focused on diabetic conditions, with some pretty incredible results.
Studies have shown Gymnema to reverse elevated cholesterol and triglycerides (15,17,26), decrease serum blood glucose in a fasted and fed state (16,20,22,24,26), and improve the time it takes to clear glucose from the bloodstream post-prandially (24). A long term study out of India looked at diabetics who had been given Gymnema daily for up to a year, and found that fasting glucose levels had dropped from an average of 232 mg/dL to a remarkable 152 mg/dL, with no change in the control group. The Gymnema group was able to halve their required insulin dosages over the course of the study, and they also showed a significant drop in A1C levels (22), which was later confirmed by a 2009 study in the journal Phytomedicine (26).

Gymnema has a profound effect on the insulin secreting cells of the pancreas, known as the beta cells located inside the islets of Langerhans. The herb has the unique ability to stimulate insulin release, even without the presence of carbs (18), and can actually regenerate the beta cells that often become damaged and dysfunctioning over time (22). One study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology even found Gymnema to double the number of beta and islet cells in diabetic rats (23).
Aside from the profound effects on pancreatic function, Gymnema also acts at nutrient destination cells by increasing permeability of cell walls, which assists in the process of nutrient uptake (18). Damaged cell walls become less permeable over time, due to excess insulin in the bloodstream and dietary deficiencies, among other things. Gymnema acts as sort of a cellular repair kit, restoring optimal function.

The addition of Gymnema alongside Lagerstroemia to Slin-Sane allows for a two-pronged attack for optimization of glucose and insulin. By increasing the enzymes responsible for glucose utilization (25), enhancing the action of endogenous insulin (22), stimulating insulin release and repairing beta cells, increasing cell permeability and repairing insulin induced damage to the liver, kidney and muscle cells (25), Gymnema will aid in driving nutrients into the muscles for a full, pumped feeling and increased performance.

Gymnema Review
Stimulates insulin release and mimicks insulin
Increases nutrient uptake
Increases cell permeability
Reduces serum glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, and A1C
Elevates HDL levels
Regenerates pancreatic cells

An analogue of the branched chain amino acid L-Valine, this compound was chosen due to its vasodilating properties for an increase vascularity, muscle pump, and nutrient delivery.

L-Norvaline works by inhibiting the arginase enzyme, which is responsible for the breakdown of L-Arginine into L-Ornithine and urea (28-30). An animal study published in the American Journal of Heart and Circulatory Physiology found that L-Norvaline increased Nitric Oxide production by 55% (28).

L-Norvaline Review

Increases Nitric Oxide production
Causes vasodilation and muscle pump

Slin-Sane Overview

Enhances vasodilation and muscle pumps
Elevates nitric oxide
Drives nutrients into cells
Stimulates insulin release, mimicks insulin and enhances insulin’s endogenous effect
Reduces fasting glucose and insulin
Reduces glucose response to meals
Reduces fat gain and speeds up fat loss
Regenerates pancreatic beta cells
Supports healthy blood lipids
Lowers liver lipid content (major factor in cardiovascular disease)
Increases plasma adiponectin

1. When should I take Slin-Sane, and do I need to cycle it?

Slin-Sane should be taken before carbohydrate heavy meals (30g or more). Take 1 capsule about 15 minutes before you start eating. If you’re using it every day, you may want to take a couple of weeks off after a month of use as its generally a good idea to cycle any supplement, although studies have used the ingredients for long durations with no ill effects.

2. How do I use Slin-Sane for a muscle building phase?

You should be able to increase your carbohydrate intake higher than a normal “bulking” phase with the use of Slin-Sane, due to its favorable nutrient partitioning effects you won’t have to worry about excess fat gain. Take 1 capsule before 3 carbohydrate heavy meals and up your carbs by about 20-30% above intake for normal muscle building phases. Be sure to take a serving before your workouts, and sip on a fast absorbing carb+protein shake while training. You should notice a significant increase in pump and vascularity during the workout, and noticeably
faster muscle gain over the course of usage.

3. How do I use Slin-Sane for a fat loss phase?

Again you should be able to lose fat on a slightly higher carb intake than normal, but you’ll want to cut your carb intake down significantly from a muscle building phase. You can try timing most of your daily carbs around weight training (a shake during the workout and one carb heavy meal after), and take a serving of Slin-Sane before each. You can also spread your carbs out into three meals throughout the day with a serving of Slin-Sane before each. You should notice accelerated fat loss over the course of usage.

4. Can I take Slin-Sane without carbs?

This is not recommended due to its hypoglycemic effects; however certain advanced users may want to experiment with Slin-Sane before meals on a very low carbohydrate or ketogenic diet. Just be sure to have some carbs around in case hypoglycemia starts to sneak up on you, as it can be fairly uncomfortable.

5. Can females use Slin-Sane?

Absolutely. Slin-Sane works the same way in women as it does in men, and none of the ingredients exhibit any sort of gender specific effect.

6. Slin-Sane safe to stack with other supplements?

Definitely. Slin-Sane is safe with most other supplements, just watch out for anything that is known to lower blood glucose or increase insulin sensitivity. You should avoid any of the various forms of Alpha Lipoic Acid at the same meal as Slin-Sane, and you may want to time fish oil with meals away from the Slin-Sane, or use a lower dose than normal at the same meal.

1. Shi L, Zhang W, Zhou YY, Zhang YN, Li JY, Hu LH, Li J. 2008. Corosolic acid stimulates glucose uptake via enhancing insulin receptor phosphorylation. Eur J Pharmaco. 584(1):21-9.
2. Takagi S, Miura T, Ishibashi C, Kawata T, Ishihara E, Gu Y, Ishida T. 2008. Effect of corosolic acid on the hydrolysis of disaccharides. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo). 54(3):266-8.
3. Yamada K, Hosokawa M, Yamada C, Watanabe R, Fujimoto S, Fujiwara H, Kunitomo M, Miura T, Kaneko T, Tsuda K, Seino Y, Inagaki N. 2008. Dietary corosolic acid ameliorates obesity and hepatic steatosis in KK-Ay mice. Biol Pharm Bull. 31(4):651-5.
4. Yamada K, Hosokawa M, Fujimoto S, Fujiwara H, Fujita Y, Harada N, Yamada C, Fukushima M, Ueda N, Kaneko T, Matsuyama F, Yamada Y, Seino Y, Inagaki N. 2008. Effect of corosolic acid on gluconeogenesis in rat liver. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 80(1):48-55.
5. Zong W, Zhao G. 2007. Corosolic acid isolation from the leaves of Eriobotrta japonica showing the effects on carbohydrate metabolism and differentiation of 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 16 Suppl 1:346-52.
6. Fukushima M, Matsuyama F, Ueda N, Egawa K, Takemoto J, Kajimoto Y, Yonaha N, Miura T, Kaneko T, Nishi Y, Mitsui R, Fujita Y, Yamada Y, Seino Y. 2006. Effect of corosolic acid on postchallenge plasma glucose levels. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 73(2):174-7.
7. Yamaguchi Y, Yamada K, Yoshikawa N, Nakamura K, Haginaka J, Kunitomo M. 2006. Corosolic acid prevents oxidative stress, inflammation and hypertension in SHR/NDmcr-cp rats, a model of metabolic syndrome. Life Sci. 79(26):2474-9.
8.Park MY, Lee KS, Sung MK. 2005. Effects of dietary mulberry, Korean red ginseng, and banaba on glucose homeostasis in relation to PPAR-alpha, PPAR-gamma, and LPL mRNA expressions. Life Sci. 77(26):3344-54.
9.Miura T, Itoh Y, Kaneko T, Ueda N, Ishida T, Fukushima M, Matsuyama F, Seino Y. 2004. Corosolic acid induces GLUT4 translocation in genetically type 2 diabetic mice. Biol Pharm Bull. 27(7):1103-5.
10. Judy WV, Hari SP, Stogsdill WW, Judy JS, Naguib YM, Passwater R. 2003. Antidiabetic activity of a standardized extract (Glucosol) from Lagerstroemia speciosa leaves in Type II diabetics. A dose-dependence study. J Ethnopharmacol. 87(1):115-7.
11. Suzuki Y, Unno T, U****ani M, Hayashi K, Kakuda T. 1999. Antiobesity activity of extracts from Lagerstroemia speciosa L. leaves on female KK-Ay mice. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo). 45(6):791-5.
12. Hattori K, Sukenobu N, Sasaki T, Takasuga S, Hayashi T, Kasai R, Yamasaki K, Hazeki O. Activation of insulin receptors by lagerstroemin. J Pharmacol Sci. 2003 Sep;93(1):69-73.
13. Liu F, Kim J, Li Y, Liu X, Li J, Chen X. An extract of Lagerstroemia speciosa L. has insulin-like glucose uptake-stimulatory and adipocyte differentiation-inhibitory activities in 3T3-L1 cells. J Nutr. 2001 Sep;131(9):2242-7.
14. Ramkumar KM, Manjula C, Sankar L, Suriyanarayanan S, Rajaguru P. 2009. Potential in vitro antioxidant and protective effects of Gymnema montanum H. on alloxan-induced oxidative damage in pancreatic beta-cells, HIT-T15. Food Chem Toxicol. 47(9):2246-56.
15. Ramkumar KM, Vijayakumar RS, Ponmanickam P, Velayuthaprabhu S, Archunan G, Rajaguru P. 2008. Antihyperlipidaemic effect of Gymnema montanum: a study on lipid profile and fatty acid composition in experimental diabetes. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 103(6):538-45.
16. Gholap S, Kar A. 2003. Effects of Inula racemosa root and Gymnema sylvestre leaf extracts in the regulation of corticosteroid induced diabetes mellitus: involvement of thyroid hormones. Pharmazie. 58(6):413-5.
17. Shigematsu N, Asano R, Shimosaka M, Okazaki M. 2001. Effect of administration with the extract of Gymnema sylvestre R. Br leaves on lipid metabolism in rats. Biol Pharm Bull. 24(6):713-7.
18. Persaud SJ, Al-Majed H, Raman A, Jones PM. 1999. Gymnema sylvestre stimulates insulin release in vitro by increased membrane permeability. J Endocrinol. 163(2):207-12.

Yohimbine HCL, Fat loss, Topical Yohimbine, transdermal yohimbine hcl

About Yohimbine HCL and its effects.

Let's try and make this as simple as possible! Basically Yohimbine works mainly by blocking alpha adrenoreceptors (I know that doesn't sound simple but stick with me!).

Norepinephrine (NE) is one of the bodies primary lipolytic (fat burning) hormones. One of the times NE is released is after periods of stress or after taking sypathomimetics, for example, Ephedrine.

Now, our bodies can sometimes prevent the release of NE through a number of feedback mechanisms. When NE is released it stimulates BOTH the alpha and beta adrenoreceptors.

The stimulation of beta causes fat to break down where as stimulating the alpha will prevent the release of norepinephrine (NE) and thus, prevent fat loss.

Hence why Yohimbine is used to BLOCK the alpha receptors and prevent this feedback mechanism from taking place, increasing the potential for fat loss. yahoo!

Sounds good so far but there are even more benefits to be had by blocking alpha receptors with Yohimbine. "Stubborn" fatty areas (usually the abdominal area in men and butt and thighs area in women) contain a higher ratio of alpha receptors, which means that Yohimbine is particularly effective in these areas and may just have an arguement for those who think that spot reduction of a particular area is impossible.

Another effect of Yohimbine HCL is an increase in blood flow. Due to the increase in blood flow Yohimbine has been used as an aid to erectile dysfunction in men. Yohimbine as been around for a very long time since it is derived from the bark of a West African tree Pausinystalia yohimbe. Therefore, Yohimbinecan work to sexually arouse men (and women) by increasing blood flow and reducing sexual exhaustion. A nice side benefit to say the least.

Who should take Yohimbine?

Yohimbine is an effective fat loss agent and would therefore best benefit anybody looking to decrease their bodyfat levels (Depending on an individuals tolerance to Yohimbine).

How much Yohimbine HCL should you take?

A dosing protocol of about 0.1mg per lb of users bodyweight per day ie 20mg for a 200lb male is a sensible dose which would be effective for fat loss and free of side effects.

It is best to start out a lower dosage to access tolerance and effects. Yohimbine HCL is typically adminsitered 3 times a day due to its short half life of about 2 hours. To maximize the benefits of Yohimbine HCL it is best to take it on an empty as it has been found that taking it with a meal can minimize its fat burning effects.

Side effects of Yohimbine HCL?

At a resonable dose Yohimbine HCL is completely safe and side effect free. The most common side effects reported at a higher dosage includes anxiety and is not recommended for those that are prone to panick attacks.

Other common side effects are increased blood pressure and maybe an elevated heart rate. Again, these usually do not show up when using Yohimbine HCL at a resonable dosage.

What is the end story to all of this?

Basically Yohimbine HCL is good for many reasons for many different people. First it helps with blood flow which then helps with sexual performance ie erectile dysfunction. On top of that extra little boost, Yohimbine HCL blocks alpha receptors therefore allowing faster weight lose. To the best of anyones knowleadge the best pure Yohimbine HCL made is from Prima Force.